“Rethinking our Water Ways”

The Fraser Basin Council has produced an excellent report on water resources management in BC. “Rethinking our water ways” will be a valuable resource guide for our planning work over the coming two years. Their website (http://www.rethinkingwater.ca/) has the report broken out into readable sections that are easy to share by email or social networking. There is also a pdf available for download. From the website:

Rethinking our water ways is a new initiative of the Fraser Basin Council to highlight the challenges of managing BC’s watersheds and water resources sustainably, particularly in the face of climate change and increasing demand for water. Do you have a responsibility for water in your community or region? Is your sector dependent on water for your work? Are you concerned about multiple demands and impacts on the health of watersheds? We welcome everyone with an interest in water to explore this site, and attend one of our companion workshops.