Inundation Maps

Inundation Maps were produced for all areas where floodplain maps were recently updated. Inundation maps show the anticipated water level at different flood return periods with the water volume including the increase we anticipate from impacts tied to climate change. The return periods are: 10 year, 20 year, 50 year, 100 year, 200 year and 500 year. These maps differ from the floodplain maps as the additional 0.6m of freeboard is not shown on these maps. Please direct any questions to the Planning Department ([email protected]) or Watershed Planner ([email protected]).

A download link is provided beside each map. These maps are very large, so many take a long time to download if you are using a slow internet connection. If you are having issues with the download, feel free to contact [email protected] and ask for the information specific to the area you are interested in.

Inundation Events (legend) associated with the maps

Inundation Maps are available for the following areas (the images shown are an example of that area).

  1. West Kettle River (Carmi to Beaverdell): Download link
Click the “download link” above to download the 4 maps associated with this region.

2. Kettle River (Rock Creek to Midway): Download Link

Click the “download link” above to download the 6 maps associated with this region.

3. Kettle River (Carson (US Border) to Cascade Falls): Download Link

Click the “download link” above to download the 7 maps associated with this region.

4. Christina Lake, Christina Creek and Kettle River (to US border): Download Link

Click the “download link” above to download the 8 maps associated with this region.